What is profitable to invest in today?
In 2024, we are assembling portfolios consisting of three types of securities for almost all investors. The first, and priority, part is corporate bonds and bonds from different countries. The thing is, in 2022-2023, there was high inflation. It all started with COVID when so-called "helicopter money" was distributed: governments provided assistance to support businesses and households. Then, of course, there was the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which triggered further inflation. As a result of all these actions, central banks of various countries started raising rates, and bonds plummeted. This year, a decrease in rates is expected because both inflation and bond prices are declining. In other words, bonds that have plummeted will start to rise sharply. The second part of the portfolio we usually take is stocks of large companies with good balances and dividends at around 3% per annum. McDonald's, Walmart, Johnson & Johnson, and so on. We look for options where stock prices are on the rise throughout the year. The third part consists of so-called growth stocks with low dividends but with significant growth in stock prices. These include technology giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Google.
What about investments in startups?
For me personally, this is quite a risky endeavor. We offer investors around 16-18% annual returns. Of course, a successful startup can bring even more, but the "risk-return" formula in investments has never been repealed.
Certainly, one should look at the quality of the startup, at the management, because it is the management that decides a lot in small companies. Actually, any company is similar to a state. The stronger and more developed the state, the less an individual personality decides there because there are institutions where everything is well-established.
But there are risks even with shares of large companies. There is always the possibility of a crisis.
Before making a decision to add a company to someone's investor portfolio, it undergoes a deep financial analysis. We roughly understand how much the business should be worth on the market now, how much it is worth now, and whether it has a certain discount. We forecast the time during which the discount on this security will be closed. And as soon as it closes according to our calculations, we immediately exit the position.
Moreover, we never take just one or two companies, but much more to reduce the risks of changes in market value. For large businesses with good balances, the likelihood of a decrease is always lower than for other securities. Quality securities do not fall so much, they always recover faster.
We are not in a hurry: if something happens in the market, we can wait. If we take, for example, a non-profitable period, like the 22nd, practically for all our investors, starting from the 23rd, all portfolios were already profitable. Simply thanks to the high-quality selection of securities.